The church grows as we give our share through ministry. Involvement and participation are critical to your fullfilment.

Bookstore Ministry

Duplicates and distributes CDs and DVDs after Worship Services and operates the church bookstore.


Children Ministry

The “None Like Us Ministry” is a ministry for elementary age (5 – 11 years old) children. It is designed to promote the godly character, conduct and commitment of our children through Christ centered teaching so that they love God, hate sin in their own lives first and love to give.


Church School Ministry

Church School Ministry is for all ages utilizing object lessons and discussion time to give knowledge and understanding to the Word of God.


Dance Ministry

This ministry praises the Lord through dance and seeks to edify the saints of God by presenting the Word of God through dance. Ages elementary school and up.


Health & Healing Ministry

This ministry encourages, motivates, and raises awareness about a healthier lifestyle.


Helps Ministry

This ministry prepares and serves food for New Members Orientation, Perfecting Class and other occasions, as requested by the Office of the Pastor. They also prepare the altar and elements for Holy Communion, baptismal services and weddings.

Intercessory Prayer

The ministry participants come together weekly to pray for the pastor, congregation, other designated concerns and submitted prayer requests.


Men’s Fellowship

This is a fellowship outreach to the male seed of all ages with an emphasis to restore men to their created role of leadership.


Membership Care Ministry

This ministry cares for the needs of the members by visiting the sick and shut in, contacting the membership of the church, and performing other duties in order to care for the members.


Ministerial Care Ministry

This ministry provides personal services to the pastor, his family, other presiding ministers and pastoral guests during Worship Services.


Multimedia Ministry

Provides audio and video coverage and support of Worship Services and church events and activities.


New Member New Convert Ministry

Ministry participants welcome new converts into the Body of Christ. They also welcome and register all new members into FTHCM of Richmond.


Nursing Home Ministry

This is an outreach ministry that reaches out to the aged and those in Adult Care Facilities with the love of Jesus Christ.


Security & Safety Ministry

This ministry is responsible for the safety and security of the building, property and people in attendance.


Special Services Ministry

This ministry cares for the church facility, grounds, and parking.


Senior Ministry

The “Golden Eagles Ministry” (G.E.M.) is a ministry for seniors ages 55 and above.

Toddler Ministry

The “Eagle’s Nest Ministry” is designed to care for the spiritual and physical needs of our children during Sunday Service. Ages 2 – 5 years old.


Transportation Ministry

Provides transportation to and from the church. If you or someone you know desires a ride to church services, please notify the church at least 48 hours in advance and fill out a transportation request form located in the vestibule.


Ushers Ministry

The ushers greet all as they enter the Worship Services. They assist with seating, give directions to various locations within the building, and collect the tithes and offerings.


Women of God: lifegivers Ministry

This is a fellowship outreach to lifegivers of all ages. The purpose of the fellowship is to equip lifegivers to become godly women of wisdom no matter their age.


Young Adult Ministry

This ministry is for young adults, ages 18 (post high school) through 25. The purpose of this ministry is to engage and equip young adults to continue to grow in Christ, become the strength of the church through giving their share and become effective members of society so that they can witness Christ and reach those that are lost with the Gospel


Youth Ministry

The “S.O.L.D.I.E.R.S. of Christ Ministry” provides ministry for middle and high school youth through spiritual instruction; fellowship with their peers; and social guidance.